Learn how to use a lab-scale bioreactor syllabus

This five days course is a hands-on primer on precision fermentation for professionals and scientists who want to learn more about growing microorganisms in a lab-scale stirred tank bioreactor. The course is taught in a show-and-tell fashion by a qualified instructor.

In the course an end-to-end process for an aerobic fed-batch cultivation of Pichia Pastoris in a 2L bioreactor is presented live from start to end in the laboratory classroom. The protocols and checklists provided can be easily transferred to other cultures and protein production.

The course is in-person at BioCurious in Santa Clara and is limited to 10 participants.


Objective of the course is for even inexperienced users to be able to design and run a standard bioprocess. 

Upon completion of the course participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the principles of operation of a lab-scale stirred tank bioreactor
  2. Design and perform cultivation of microorganisms
  3. Monitor and evaluate the growth process

The course is adopting best practices of the alternative proteins industry and it may be limited for participants interested in pursuing careers in the pharmaceutical industry.


A graduate-level understanding of biology and chemistry is required as a prerequisite for attendance.


Day 1 (Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm) - Preparation

Getting to know the bioreactor
Design of the reaction
Sensors and pumps calibration
Sterilization in autoclave
Start of the seed culture

Day 2 (Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm) - Process start

Medium, feed, acid, base preparation
Bioreactor assembly
Details of process control software 
Seed culture inoculation

Day 3 (Monday 5:30pm-7:00pm) - Process monitoring

Online and off-line parameters monitoring
Sampling procedure
Assessing progress of the reaction
Determination of critical points in the reaction

Day 4 (Tuesday 5:30pm-7:00pm) - Process development

Assessing progress of the reaction
Start of fed-batch phase

Day 5 (Wednesday 5:30pm-9:00pm) - Harvesting and conclusions

Process completion and harvesting
Data collection
Determination of process quality parameters
Discussion and conclusions


Julian Ramirez, Biologist, Principal Scientist, Final Foods